The Death of a Website in Your Business
Leon Kolaski
Not only is “the website” dying, but it probably is going to kill your business.
Let me show you how to avoid certain death by a website.
If you have been advertising your business online for more than a couple of years, you probably have noticed that it’s ability generate leads and sales for your business is in a steep nosedive.
The competition for the ads you’re buying, just keep going up. There are millions of new websites that are popping up everyday. These new websites all add to your pool of competitors trying to convert those clicks to leads. Those leads are the lifeblood of any growing organization. For most business, the more quality leads coming in, the more volume in sales.
Less leads = Less revenue.
So that is the bad news. Websites are dead. Now for the good news. Just like the way that your cassette tape was replaced by the CD, and then later replaced by the .mp3 file, your website is getting replaced by a sales funnel.
Every time the paradigm shifts, everyone starts at Zero.
When a newer better way of doing things is introduced to the market, the early adopters have first movers advantage. The businesses that have their fancy website with paid ads going to them just cannot compete with a company that has figured out what a lead funnel machine is and how to implemented it.
10 years ago a business could put up a crappy website, buy some ads going to that website and generate leads and sales. A website with paid ads going to it was literally the greatest thing since sliced bread for a business owner or entrepreneur.
You could spend $1 dollar in advertising and generate $5 or $10 in revenue. Now businesses are lucky to break even on their adspend. What most entrepreneurs or business owners don’t yet realize is that a brand new business can come into your market and kick your butt because they are sending traffic to a lead funnel machine, and your still using a website. Every time the paradigm shifts everybody starts at zero.
What is a lead funnel machine, and how do I get one for my business.
Well first off, let me introduce you to a funnel, and let you know how this is different from your website. Then I will explain the concept of a lead funnel machine and why you need one, or possibly face extinction in the next 2 – 3 years. A funnel is a simplified version of a website that allows your prospect to only take one desired action, or a variation of that action. Now you are probably wonder why would I want to send somebody to a funnel versus my website where they can see everything.
Early in this article that I mentioned that those advertising costs keep rising. Let’s just say that if I am paying $1 per targeted click per visitor, and my website converts 1% of those visitors to a lead. That means that my cost per lead will be roughly $100. Website conversion rates are in a steady decline because a confused consumer does not buy. Most lead funnels will convert that same $1 click five to ten times better than a website would. In this example I just decreased my lead cost anywhere from $50 to $90. Now I am paying $10 to $50 per lead and have the ability to increase the amount of leads going into a company by 2 – 5 times the volume. This increase in volume is the difference between a company owner just getting by, and high levels of success.
What types of business can benefit from a lead funnel machine?
Any type of business can benefit from having a funnel vs. a website. Funnels work better for selling physical products, or generating leads for your service based business. It’s easy for a business owner to get started building their first lead funnel. All that you need to do to get your first funnel is visit, and you will get a 14 day free trial of the program that I use to create funnels for all of my clients.
About the author:
Leon Kolaski is a funnel consultant and digital marketer with over 13 years experience online. He helps entrepreneurs and business owners generate leads on demand in their business by implementing a lead funnel machine. To learn more how you can work with him schedule an strategy session here: